Trucking companies are responsible for actions their drivers take on-the-job. As a result of the potential for liability if driver...
Wall Street Journal reported last year on a study which showed there was a significant shortage of truck parking. The Federal Highway...
Motor vehicle accidents remains a leading cause of death among teens in El Paso and throughout the Lone Star State, and there are certain...
In 2015, there were eight percent more car accident deaths in the United States than the number of fatalities over the course of 2014. The...
When two sisters died in an accident with a tractor trailer, the parents of the girls formed a safety advocacy organization called...
Fatal motor vehicle accidents in Texas result in $37 million in medical costs over the course of a single year, according to Centers for...
Drivers need to be cautious behind the wheel of their vehicles at all times, but especially when approaching or passing through an...
This past summer, a wrong-way driver caused a deadly motor vehicle accident in El Paso on Loop 375 near Railroad. El Paso Proud reports a...