Survey Reveals the Cities that Tweet About Road Rage the Most

Two cars in collision on roadway

Road rage is a serious and growing problem on our roads, leading to dangerous and sometimes deadly consequences. The publication Get Circuit recently conducted a Twitter survey in search of the cities that tweeted the most about road rage. The results are in, and the findings are alarming for those in The Lone Star State.

The survey reveals a concerning trend, highlighting the prevalence of road rage in various cities across the United States, with some cities standing out as hotbeds for aggressive driving behavior. For residents of these areas, the data underscores the daily dangers on the road and the potential for encounters with aggressive drivers. This growing issue not only raises questions about driver behavior but also points to a broader need for awareness, education, and stricter enforcement to address the underlying causes of road rage.

Road Rage Statistics

Here are some concerning statistics about road rage:

These alarming statistics highlight the widespread nature and dangers of road rage across the country. As these numbers continue to rise, it becomes increasingly important for drivers to be aware of the dangers of aggressive driving and take steps to protect themselves and others on the road.

How Do We Define Road Rage?

The NHTSA defines aggressive driving as operating a motor vehicle in a way that endangers or is likely to endanger others or property. Road rage occurs when drivers behave in more extreme ways on the aggressive driving spectrum and are typically considered criminal offense. Aggressive driving or road rage behaviors may include:

  • Tailgating
  • Speeding
  • Passing in prohibited areas
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Running red lights or disobeying traffic control devices
  • Making erratic lane changes
  • Reckless driving
  • Yelling or making gestures at other motorists
  • Purposefully causing a crash
  • Ramming into other motorists
  • Physically confronting other drivers
  • Physical assault
  • Murder

These behaviors often stem from intense anger or frustration and can escalate rapidly. The presence of stressors such as traffic congestion, running late, or encountering other aggressive drivers can exacerbate these emotions, leading to dangerous actions. Moreover, road rage is not just a momentary lapse in judgment—it is a serious public safety issue that can result in life-altering consequences. The combination of aggressive driving behaviors and emotional instability behind the wheel creates a volatile environment where minor incidents can quickly spiral into violent confrontations. Understanding the signs of road rage and how to defuse them is crucial for every driver.

Locations Where Road Rage is Most Common

The Get Circuit survey searched for cities with the most posts referencing #roadrage. According to the survey, the top 20 cities with the most #roadrage tweets per 100,000 people were:

  1. Eugene, Oregon – 500
  2. Atlanta, Georgia – 336
  3. Orlando, Florida – 273
  4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – 214
  5. Miami, Florida – 178
  6. Birmingham, Alabama – 158
  7. Nashville, Tennessee – 155
  8. Cincinnati, Ohio – 142
  9. Tampa, Florida – 141
  10. Buffalo, New York – 139
  11. Boston, Massachusetts – 137
  12. Knoxville, Tennessee – 131
  13. Cleveland, Ohio – 129
  14. Des Moines, Iowa – 112
  15. Dallas, Texas – 109
  16. Grand Rapids, Michigan – 108
  17. Kansas City, Missouri – 107
  18. Minneapolis, Minnesota – 105
  19. Fort Lauderdale, Florida – 102
  20. Denver, Colorado – 99

Alarmingly, some of the cities where road rage was most often tweeted about were in states with more lax gun laws. The survey revealed:

  • 4 percent of drivers admitted to brandishing a weapon.
  • 65 percent of drivers admitted to carrying a weapon with them for protection when driving.
  • 40 percent of those who admitted to carrying a weapon identified they carried a gun.

It is not difficult to imagine a situation involving an angry driver and weapons easily escalating into a dangerous encounter that results in death or serious injury.

Injured in a Road Rage Accident? Michael Gopin Can Help

If you were injured in a road rage accident in El Paso or surrounding areas, a car accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Michael Gopin, PLLC can help. We have been advocating for the rights of accident victims since 1987. Contact us today for a free case review.

Our dedicated legal team understands the complexities of road rage cases and the unique challenges they present. We are committed to securing the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress. With decades of experience, we have the expertise to navigate the legal process and fight for your rights. Don’t face this difficult time alone—reach out to us for the support and guidance you need.

Michael J. Gopin

Michael J. Gopin has practiced law in El Paso since 1987. Even after more than 30 years, he still remembers his first jury case. It was two weeks after receiving his license, when he represented a person whose life had been forever changed after being blinded in a work-related incident...


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